Unlike the Floorify floors, the stair treads are glued to the subfloor, without an underlay.
We recommend the adhesive Soudabond 680, which has been extensively tested for this purpose. This can be obtained with the purchase of the stair profiles.
Soudabond 680 can compensate small irregularities of up to 5 mm per linear metre.
The stair profiles must be fully supported by the adhesive and the underlying substrate.
The glue should be applied in a snake pattern (S), so that when the stair tread is pressed, the glue spreads further under the profile.
Tip: Heating the adhesive (radiator) works more pleasantly and it will spread better.
Soudabond 680 has a theoretical consumption of 6 linear metres with a spray pattern of dia. 10mm
(12lm = dia. 5mm, …).